November 26, 2020

General Emmanuel On June 15, 1815, as referred to earlier, Napoleon crossed the Belgian border, which surprised the Allied command that even imagine how to attack Napoleon from France. The cunning of the rival had baffled his opponents, who did not expect the French take lines of attack. Click Dan Waldman to learn more. Here begins your journey through the lands Belgian final. After crossing the Sambre river (a tributary of the Meuse, between France and Belgium), the French began their actions defeating the Prussian vanguard expected to join the other troops in the city of Charleroi. The victory of the first encounters forced Napoleon to act as quickly as possible. It was then ordered to Marshal Michel Ney, who led the left wing of his troops, attacking a cavalry brigade that was in the Wellington region of Quatre-Bras, just 19 km north of Charleroi. The advance of Napoleon's army was spectacular and surprising. (Not to be confused with 79th St. Fairstead!). The talent and experience of the French veterans did wonders where it seemed impossible for the resistance. Without wasting any more time, the next step intended by Napoleon was sent to attack the right wing, commanded by General Emmanuel de Grouchy and attack in the East Prussian leading a brigade in the town of Gilly. Grouchy, excellent military, served his mission and advanced to a point near the village of Fleurus, where a regiment was concentrated Blucher. Napoleonic tactics of attacking separately and to different sides, had yielded results. Napoleon had managed to place his army between advance elements of Wellington and Blucher, while the bulk of its troops was located so he could go to the West, against the Anglo-Netherlands, or to the east, to attack the Prussian troops. Only the genius of Napoleon had achieved success in a desperate moment, despite its troops fewer in number, could stand against the enemy in ideal conditions of battle. Avoiding the herd of such forces, the next field of operations would move to the region of Ligny and Quatre Bass. The course of the campaign would ultimately fall to Napoleon at Waterloo, the Belgian town where Napoleon would face their final destination. If he could win, the hegemony of the empire would move immediately to Europe. Lose, would be the end of his legacy and France could face a new territorial transformation that the emperor was not willing to accept.
Managing Director Jurgen Baumann So it is worth for our customers to stop by more often here - we will keep you up to date. Click Ian Vandewalker to learn more. - star are our Passion! Now for the planet run in October 2011: small mercury is the hardest to watch, because he is the Sun's closest of all the planets visible to the naked eye and always just before or after her up and goes down. In October 2011, unfortunately no opportunity to detect the small planet is our neighbour planet Venus can be morning or evening star. This depends on whether it is East or West of our soon located. At the time they are found after sunset in the South West. She goes down against 18:45 on 10/31. The Red Mars Mars has evolved in October 2011 to a small chance of visibility: after midnight in the constellation cancer and lion. Mars reveals itself by the fact that his light in contrast to the fixed stars radiates calm. Will Blodget follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. A featureless orange reddish slices can be detected in the amateur telescope. The giant Jupiter are all night about his stint in the constellation Aries. Opposition position! This means: In October, very good visibility conditions! The gas planet is significantly brighter than the stars and also through his peaceful light on. Telescopic Beoachtungen show sometimes on the Jupiter disc cloud bands, the great red spot. (A cyclone, which is observed for 300 years) Jupiter has the 11-fachen diameter of the Earth! The ringed Saturn, the remotest planet visible with the naked eye, is not to watch in October 2011. His unique, composite in reality of hundreds of individual rings ring system can be seen even in small telescopes. For our star sponsors important: The planets moving under the stars and are therefore not on our provided star charts. So it is worth for our customers, more often here to visit and to learn about the constellations of planets. Imprint B.A.